

Good Boys and Bad Boys

photo courtesy of Lionsgate Films Recently, I've seen quite a few of my male clients who find that their balance is off.  The balance [...]

A psychological look at HIV

I am sometimes asked to help facilitate workshops for people who are HIV-positive (HIV+).  As an HIV-negative (HIV-)  person, I consider this quite an honor…and I have [...]

Nice guys bore me

Dear Michael: I feel like a stereotype, but it’s true: I only want men I can’t have, and then when I get them (which I [...]

Alfred Camus and the Haters

  photo courtesy of Lionsgate Pictures I get some interesting emails as a columnist and psychotherapist. Here’s one on a subject you might [...]

The power of humor

photo by Madigan Heck for Perhaps only God Himself/Herself is more important than humor.  Seriously. Psychological research has found that when people list [...]

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